Demo Site - August 2020

In this edition

Editor’s letterThe internet is a marvellous place. Even as concert
Contributors(Lutherie in Mexico, page 48), originally from Mexico
SOUNDPOSTA DIFFERENT ANGLE I read Sarah Peck’s article about
Preparing for a brave new worldConservatoires around the world are preparing for seismic changes in their teaching provision when the autumn term starts in September - and the problem of one-to-one tuiti on is just the ti p of the iceberg
Frank Almond steps down from Milwaukee Symphony OrchestraSMALL IS BEAUTIFUL: Violin maker Maria Sandner has
New music institute launched in MadridGREEN FINGERED: On 22 June the members of the UceLi
Unleash the beastNew warm and weighty choices for cellists
Alexander SitkovetskyThe Russian British violinist on moving between artistic cultures and the future of collaborative music making
DIGITAL DOUBLE ACTOver the past eight years, Brett Yang and Eddy Chen of TwoSet Violin have become an increasingly popular source of humour and inspiration for string players worldwide through their hugely successful YouTube channel. A more recent foray into staging live shows was a shot in the dark. Kimon Daltas meets two young men on a mission
THE WISDOM OF CROWDSViolin making is traditionally a solitary career, so why are so many luthiers and bow makers choosing to join collectives? Peter Somerford talks to the founders and members of such groups around the world to discover the benefits of pooling resources, knowledge and time
IN SEARCH OFPERFECTINViolinist and Metropolitan Opera concertmaster Benjamin Bowman has spent his entire playing career in search of ever more subtle and responsive bows. Here, he charts his journey to finding his ‘forever bow’, and advises string players on how they, too, can invest in this most important of assets
FAMILY CONNECTIONSFor her latest recording, violinist Viktoria Mullova has collaborated with her son, jazz bassist Misha Mullov-Abbado in an eclectic array of duets. Harry White speaks to the pair about the project’s origins and about working with family
TRAINING THE BRAINFor Demetrius Constantine Dounis, the secret of good technique came from developing the brain and memory, as well as the arms and fi ngers. James Dickenson examines what made his ideas so special, and why he became one of the 20th century’s most influential teachers
Adapting to CHANGEThe history of stringed instrument making in Mexico is one of adaptability and innovation. Pablo Alfaro and Jaime G. González show how European arts and crafts were rapidly adopted by the indigenous people, and how the 20th century saw more creativity than ever
ALESSANDRO GAGLIANOAlessandro Gagliano worked in Naples from around 1700
Small tools, big helpnumber of labour-saving devices designed to make life easier at the workbench
LutherieA peek into lutherie workshops around the world
Beauty and the bridgeThe acoustic role of the violin bridge is well known, but what about the aesthetic choices that luthiers make when carving them? John Beames gives a detailed analysis of a favourite bridge to elucidate the process
BEETHOVEN ‘TRIPLE’ CONCERTO IN C MAJORViolinist Tai Murray discusses balance and colour in the fi rst movement of the op.56 work for violin, cello, piano and orchestra, in the second of two arti cles
Using Ševčík to tackle fl ying staccato on the celloHow analyti cal, targeted practi ce can help you to overcome any problem in the repertoire
ReviewsAHO Prelude, Toccata and Postlude; Lamento; Halla;
From the ARCHIVEAuthor William CHoneyman responds to an article suggesting that priceless instruments should be kept in museums rather than in players’ hands
VADIM REPINDespite a shaky beginning, Prokofi ev’s Violin Concerto no.2 has become one of the most beloved pieces in the Russian violinist’s repertoire
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