Demo Site - March 2020

In this edition

Editor’s letterFor violists of a certain vintage Karen Tuttle is revered
ContributorsWENDY CASE
SOUNDPOSTLetters, emails, online comments
On the beatSupport is growing for the eff orts of a fledgling
NEW PRODUCTSA new approach to chin and shoulder rests for violinists
Life lessonsThere’s more to the instrument’s repertoire than meets the eye, says the young British viola player
The promise of youthThe 2019 Highgate International Chamber Music Festival showcased a variety of repertoire performed in partnerships established especially for the event. But, says Tom Stewart, it is the festival’s commitment to educational outreach that is particularly admirable
The violists‘ championViolists, particularly in the US, regard Karen Tuttle as a pioneer of pedagogy, tirelessly committed to improving the playing freedom of her students. As this month marks the 100th anniversary of her birth, Carios Maria Solare pays tribute to her career, teaching methods and formidable strength of character
MATCHES MADE IN HEAVEN?It’s both a privilege and a challenge to build a quartet of instruments that are intended to be played together from the start. Peter Somerford speaks to players and makers to discover both the pitfalls and the opportunities
BOUNDLESSEXPRESSIONThe legacy of Pablo Casals is alive and well in the cello playing of today – and can be traced primarily to the methods of his colleague Diran Alexanian and favourite student Maurice Eisenberg. Oskar Falta explores the Catalonian cellist’s main vibrato theories, as communicated by his two important associates
INTERESTING TIMESFor luthiers worldwide, European wood is still viewed as the best for making stringed instruments - even though China's forests are filled with high-guality spruce and maple. Xue Peng presents the results of a study comparing the tonewoods of China and Europe, with some startling conclusions
FREEDOM OF CHOICEFor Jack Liebeck, recording the Brahms and Schoenberg violin concertos has feit like a homecoming - a chance to reflect on the life of his grandfather, and to appreciate the libertfes we enjoy today, as he teils Harry White
THE PEOPLE’S VIOLIN MANDuring the 19th century there was an upsurge of interest in violin playing in Britain. At its centre, writes Kevin MacDonald, was the Scottish violinist and writer William C. Honeyman – purveyor of string secrets to the masses and perhaps the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes
JEROMOS CIGLA close look at the work of great and unusual makers
Inlay techniquesGiving a decorative flourish to an instrument can add a personal touch - and be a true test of skill
DANIEL BRISTOWLOCATION Tetbury, Gloucestershire, UK
Ahead forfiguresLuthiers such as Jacob Stainer often surmounted their instruments with elaborately carved heads rather than scrolls. Lloyd McCaffery, a professional wood carver, explains how he developed a modern take on an ancient art form
BEETHOVEN VIOLIN CONCERTOIn the first of two articles, Augustin Hadelich looks at direction and flow in the first movement of this notoriously simple and yet deceptvely difficult work
A scientific approach to violin resonanceHow a basic knowledge of acoustical physics can help us to produce a richer, more ringing tone
ReviewsYour monthly critical round-up of performances, recordings and publications
From the ARCHIVEPaganini researcher S. L. Salzedo gives his effusive first impressions of the violinist’s birthplace Genoa, as well as his initial thoughts on seeing ‘Il Cannone’
IN THE NEXT ISSUEAnne-Sophie Mutter
LEONIDAS KAVAKOSFor the Greek violinist, Beethoven’s Violin Concerto stands apart from the rest of the repertoire - and requires a very special method of interpretation
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