Demo Site - November 2023

In this edition

ContributorsROBIN AITCHISON (Copying a Montagnana cello, page 38)
SOUNDPOSTLetters, emails, online comments  
Editorís letterAmerica is a nation blessed with great diversity,
As fit as a fiddle?News and events from around the world this month
NEWS IN BRIEFViolinist William Wei to perform on ‘Joachim, Elman’
OBITUARIESRICHARD DAVIS US double bassist Richard Davis died
Speaking the languagePREMIERE of the MONTH
COMPETITIONSSeohyun Kim ARD Competition viola laureates Philipp Schupelius
Life lessonsThe Australian double bassist on his influences and journey to becoming the Berlin Philharmonic’s section principal
It’s elementalA chance to hear the world premiere of a brand new violin concerto commissioned and played by Joshua Bell was the highlight of a trip to the Colorado Music Festival for Emma Baker
DRIVEN BY MUSICPrincipal double bassist of the Philadelphia Orchestra, teacher, mentor and entrepreneur, Joseph Conyers has a multifaceted career. David Kettle speaks to him to discover the source of his boundless energy
CHANGE FOR GOODFor the past quarter-century the Sphinx Organization has worked tirelessly to bring much-needed diversity to the US classical music scene. Bruce Hodges examines its achievements, and hears from its founder and its president about the future
THE FULL MONTYFor the past few years, the attendees of the annual Oberlin Violin Makers Workshop have set themselves increasingly challenging group projects. Robin Aitchison explains how 30 luthiers collaborated on their latest task: to copy a Montagnana cello with pinpoint accuracy
DREAMING IN COLOURThe Solem Quartet’s violist Stephen Upshaw talks to Harry White about the themes of light, shade and perspective that link the works on the ensemble’s album of 20th-century and contemporary music
HUNGER FOR THE NEWKronos Quartet has been at the vanguard of contemporary string quartet performance for 50 years. Founder David Harrington and former cellist Joan Jeanrenaud speak with Thomas May about the legacy of innovation that the ensemble is celebrating with an ambitious series of projects this season
ACROSS THE ATLANTICMany, if not most, of the earliest bow makers working in America originally hailed from Germany. Raphael Gold discovers how they helped lay the foundations for the industry
MAKING MATTERSPoints of interest to violin and bow makers
Establishing a consistent double bass neck heelA personal method that can be utilised during the design of the neck and scroll
MY SPACE A peek into lutherie workshops around the world
BRAHMS SCHERZO OP.4 FOR VIOLIN AND PIANOIn this single-movement sonata, Johannes Fleischmann explores the expressive and mature writing of a young composer who had already been hailed as the future of music
Playing it smartTeaching & Playing
ReviewsYour monthly critical round-up of performances, recordings and publications
ReviewsDANIEL KULLMAN S. ADAMS Violin Diptych; String Quartet
ReviewsSchubert’s String Quartets: The Teleology of Lyric Form
From the ARCHIVEComposer A.M. Gifford presents a compelling argument for musicians to be more adventurous in their programming
IN THE NEXT ISSUEAnne Akiko Meyers The US violinist on how
ALEKSEY IGUDESMANThe Andante cantabile third movement of Schumann’s Piano
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